Jay had a four-day weekend for Memorial Day, so we had a much needed family weekend and had some great together time before we start the next round of trips. Jay leaves Friday morning for Las Vegas for 2 weeks. He'll be home on Father's Day, so we'll be extra glad to see him then. :) I also spent some time this weekend by myself and with friends, I got a much needed shopping trip after swimming lessons with my friend Amber and another one Monday night after we discovered that Emma has outgrown all of her clothes AGAIN. This time after only 5 weeks. UGH! I was able to get some good deals at Target, so she's at least outfitted for one laundry cycle. Can you believe she weighs 21 pounds and is 29.5 inches long??? I thought maybe this baby would be a little slower in the growth spurts, but apparantly not!!
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