Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Jenn's Birthday List

So. I'm going to be 25. Shannon says that's primo "quarter-life crisis" time. :P So, here's my birthday list. Enjoy, I know I will! :)

1. These are from Hanna Anderson. They're adorable. And pricey.
2. Canon Rebel SLR Digital Camera

3. LL Bean Bamboo Pajamas

4. Willow Tree Nativity Set (any piece, I have NONE!) and the "Brother and Sister" piece

5. Wii Fit

6. GCards: American Eagle, Gap, Hanna Anderson, Macy's, LL Bean, Barnes and Noble, REI

7. Season pass to Ski Resort- Schweitzer, 49Degrees, etc

8. Plane tickets to MN for Christmas or somewhere hot and beachy for anytime ;)

9. Movies: The Way We Were, My Fair Lady, Muppet Christmas Carol (okay, that one's not really for me!)

10. DS Games- Platinum Sudoku, Myst

11. I will also be accepting donations specifically towards some of these items- ie the trip to MN. If you'd like to see the children at Christmas, PITCH IN! We want to come home!!

***Also, if you'd like to save on shipping and combine packages: Emma's late b-day, Harry's early b-day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, that's okay too! :)***

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